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age18years oLD loves music,loves Guitar,loves BMX,loves money,love my family,loves atoms ^^

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Warren BUffet!

Warren Buffett

Buffett speaking to students from the University of Kansas School of Business, May 6, 2005

Born Warren Edward Buffett

August 30, 1930 (1930-08-30) (age 80)

Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Nationality American

Alma mater University of Nebraska

Columbia University

Occupation Chairman & CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Investor

Salary US$100,000[1]

Net worth US$50 billion (2011)[2]

Spouse Susan Thompson Buffett (1952–2004)

Astrid Menks (2006–present)[3]

Children Susan Alice Buffett

Howard Graham Buffett

Peter Andrew Buffett


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